
Creatively contribute to the history of mankind

We are always thrilled to welcome new visionaries to become part of our platform!

There are many advantages to joining our team. Y-o-u have the option to pick and choose assignments convenient with your schedule and availability. If you do 'ACCEPT' a project, make sure you are ready to take on the task. Every acting role is important with the synchronization of each movie that's made.

See below for a brief description of what each position entails

  • Writers

    Help develop the storyline for an Eternal Flame Movie Production.

  • Editors

    Review all of the assets in the production to create the movie.

  • Creatives

    Create visual art through animation, interactive experiences, or any other artforms with code.

  • Cinematographers

    Conducts and records personal interviews.

  • Narrators

    Directs the narrative with a charismatic audio voiceover.

If you have any questions you can inquire further at to receive details about a position of interest.

Fill out the application below to inquire within.

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