Movie production

Movie Production

Create your own one-of-a-kind movie...

Our Process

Easily and collaboratively create a cinematic keepsake in a few simple steps:

  • 1
    Sign Up to create an Eternal Flame account.
  • 2
    Choose one of our Movie Packages.
  • 3
    Let our Movie Builder guide you to help inform us on the story you wish to tell.
  • 4
    Collect videos, scan photos
    (view a list of services for digitizing your media), capture quotes, submit audio clips, from your family and friends to share with our team.
  • 5
    Select from our library of narrators and choose a musical mood.
  • 6
    Review your film and provide feedback and suggestions to help make it even better

From start to finish, you’ll have access to our team to help guide you through the process, answer any questions you have, and ensure your satisfaction.

Movie Packages

Personal Interviews

Enhance your memorial movie with a compassionate on location interview...

To help create a truly personal and memorable cinematic experience, we offer the option to capture video interviews at the location of your choice. Our producers will ask you heartfelt, respectful questions, that help capture your loved one’s life story. We have drafted questions for you to select, or you can creatively make up your own!

The interview service is offered through Silver & Gold Memorial Movie packages. Each interview will include two hours of on camera time, scheduled at your convenience, allowing additional family members or friends. Upon completion, all interview footage will be yours to cherish and keep, forever.

Contact us

Digitizing Media

Transform real photographs to easy computer access...

If you don't have access to a digital scanner, there are several convenient options for you to scan and save your family photos.

See Options

Digital Photo Restoration

Do you have old photographs that are worn out and compromised?  Our team will do our best to reflect a like-new photo for you to cherish. We will email the digitally restored photograph to you. You can place this photograph in a loved one's memory bank. The memory bank is a feature that displays photographs within your beloved's virtual memorial. If you do not have a virtual memorial, this recommended service is available here.

Digital Photo Restoration

Options for Every Budget and Vision

Our memorial movie packages allow you to choose a production plan that will craft the rich story of your loved one’s life, varying in length, complexity, and enhancements. Most packages will include online hosting, collaboration with a skilled team of video professionals, and personalized support to ensure your total satisfaction.

2 Min
3 Min
4 Min
6 Min
Personal Video
Muscial Theme
Online Hosting
Turn Around

Cinematic Narrative
Production Duration
(On Average)

On-Site Filmmaking

On-Site Interview

24-48 Hrs
3-5 Days
5-7 Days
7 Days
3-4 Min
5-6 Min
8-10 Min
12-15 Min